Ever wonder what E pluribus unum means? (It's on the Great Seal on the back of a $1 bill)
well if you ever did here you go.
E pluribus unum is a national motto of the United States of America. Translated from Latin, it means "From many, one" or "Out of many, one," or in a direct translation, "One out of more." It referred to the integration of the 13 independent colonies into one united country, and has taken on an additional meaning, given the pluralistic nature of American society from immigration. The motto was selected by the first Great Seal committee in 1776, at the beginning of the American Revolution. Pierre Eugene DuSimitiére originally suggested E pluribus unum as motto.
In 1956, "In God We Trust" was added as another national motto, but did not replace E pluribus unum. A similar motto – In varietate concordia (Unity in diversity) – was adopted by the European Union in 2000.
(Wikipedia article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page )
1 comment:
Joke for the day: Unity in Diversity!
Kind of like the "less is more" saying
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